Shaping a safe digital society together.
The DSI Community Cybersecurity is an integral part of the DSI network of the University of Zurich dedicated to exploring and understanding key security challenges of digital technologies. Our community emerged from a group of researchers with a shared interest in cybersecurity and located at different faculties of the University of Zurich. Not only does each member bring profound knowledge from their area of expertise to the table but also their professional networks that extend far beyond the borders of Switzerland. On this fertile ground, the community thrives. Our members represent a broad range of cybersecurity competencies from the University of Zurich as well as from other universities, governmental agencies, and the private sector. Together we unite knowledge of behavioral, societal, regulatory as well as technological aspects of cybersecurity.

We connect

We create

We teach
Community facts
What questions about digitalization are on your mind? And how has your life changed with the digital transformation? Digitalization is presenting society and science with new challenges. It is taking hold of a large part of our lives at an ever faster pace.
The Digital Society Initiative (DSI) shapes the digital transformation of society and science. With interdisciplinary activities in research, education and outreach, the DSI is the University of Zurich’s (UZH) competence center on digital transformation.
The DSI is a scientific institution supported by all faculties of the UZH, which promotes independent scientific reflection and innovation on questions of digital transformation. It prepares UZH students to help shape the digital transformation, engages in regular discourse with the public and supports policy-making on digital transformation issues.
We connect
The key to effective cybersecurity is the exchange of knowledge.
Cybersecurity expertise is available but often scattered across different institutions and industries. As a result, many cybersecurity experts – whether they have a technical or non-technical background – can only see parts of the big picture. This shortcoming may lead to decisions that do not appreciate all relevant viewpoints. One of our main objectives is to connect cybersecurity experts from different professional traditions who do not commonly move in the same circles. We seek to build bridges between them to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and constructive debates on tackling cybersecurity challenges.
We create
Innovation is the practical implementation of ideas.
The complexity of cybersecurity can be overwhelming at times. Finding the right balance between the protection of our civil liberties and the security needs of society calls for the careful consideration of many factors. Innovative approaches are needed. By connecting experts from academia, policy, business, and civil society, we encourage the transformation of existing synergies into new project ideas and practical solutions to address current and future cybersecurity challenges.
We teach
Our students will be the researchers of tomorrow.
To create a continuous dialogue about cybersecurity issues, we need to think of ways that help preserve and advance the knowledge that we build together. Our goal is to nurture an interdisciplinary mindset in our students to provide the next generation of cybersecurity experts with the tools to make informed decisions when dealing with emerging cybersecurity challenges. For this purpose, the cybersecurity community and its members teach and mentor across the University of Zurich and beyond. Where we see the need, we push forward to promote new professorships, course modules, workshops, and learning programs. To stay on top of the game, we constantly explore new ways of interdisciplinary teaching.
Membership in the DSI Community Cybersecurity is open to researchers affiliated with a Swiss university. For other individuals, membership is conditional on an ongoing cooperation with the DSI Community. To become a member of a DSI Community, membership in the DSI Network is required. Please follow this link.